Creating Culture Within Your Business
There are tangible things that are needed in business like equipment, labor and supplies but then there are also some intangibles that can make or break your business. In many cases it is the intangible aspects of business that actually become more important than the tangible items. One such intangible aspect of a business is the culture within it.

Culture is defined as the set of shared attitudes, values, goals, and practices that characterizes an institution or organization. Culture is everything to a business. It is the culture of the business that your customers will experience. If the culture of your organization is professional, then your customers will have an experience that imposes rigorous rules and regulations. The culture in your business should be people friendly, free flowing and orderly.

I could go on all week about creating culture within your business but I will sum it up in four principles:

Cast the vision – In order to create culture within an organization the vision must be cast or articulated to those who are to participate within the organization. Make certain that the vision is communicated in its simplest form even if it is complex.

Sell the vision – It is easier to sell the members of the organization the vision when the leader is also sold on it. The leader must believe that this is the vision for the organization and push through the difficulties that will be encountered while managing the voice of the naysayer.

Resell the vision – From time to time the leader will need to recast the vision. It is important to find different methods to resell the vision. Some suggestions include: having people within the organization read a book regarding the topic, a weekend trip, social gatherings, internal slogans that support the vision, incentives that promote the vision and meetings.

Clarify the vision – Please know that along the way the vision my have to be clarified or adjusted slightly. Therefore, it is important to allow the organization’s members to ask questions so that everyone is clear. Clarity of vision will also come through reselling the vision.

If you want to create a certain culture within your organization follow these four fundamental steps and overtime people will either buy into the vision or they will leave the organization.