A Picture of Beauty

There is an awesome picture described in Revelation chapter four, John gives a peak at a scene taking place in heaven.

In verses nine through eleven John describes a worship session like none other. Each time the the living creatures give glory and honor to God the Bible says that the twenty four elders fall down before the Lord and they place their crowns before the throne and give glory to God as well.

Why is this so remarkable? Many times we as leaders come into the presence of God and we rend our hearts, but we don’t place our crowns before the Lord. What constitutes our crowns? Good question.

Our crowns, in this life, could represent our authority, our accomplishments, the accomplishments of those we led that we like to take credit for. For the parents reading this your crown could be the accomplishment of your son or daughter which dep down inside you believe you deserve credit for. When was the last time you came into the prescence of the Lord and simply placed your crown before the throne?

This scene, this preview of Heaven which the Lord reveals through John is something we should be practicing here on Earth. We should take time and bring Od our entIre bent, He deserves it!

Our culture has led us to believe that we are specially and something is owed to us. But remember before you and I are anything He was and is? Therefore every title, every accomplishment. Or every merit we receive is because of Him and never due to us.

Let us remember to cast our crowns before the throne. It is then when the Lord will have our full hearts!